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Mìna is an indie, self-taught singer-songwriter-producer. She took her first steps in music in 2016 as a singer in a cover band. Having quickly acquired a taste for the stage and music in general, she wanted to compose the melodies that she was hearing in her head, so she bought an electric bass and started from scratch.


She played in a band and practiced music production in her room, but in 2020 she decided to go solo in order to compose very personal songs without genre restrictions, which could revisit the styles that followed her through their life such as pop, rock, flamenco, and music from her native country, Greece.


As a result, her music approaches styles such as alternative, dark pop, experimental pop, indie pop, etc.


Her debut single “Kay” was released on June 2nd, 2023, on all digital platforms. For this one, she invited the French-speaking rapper Jay Lansen to collaborate with her. The song was entirely produced by Mìna, mixed by Walter Jeworski (CA), and mastered by Alex Psaroudakis (USA).


At the moment, she is working on releasing more singles and also, on her first album.


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I see thousands of faces
People passing by
So many empty places
Nothing to get me high

My eyes fell on you
The most mysterious night
How can I just forget
Your so disarming smile

What is it about beauty
That makes me feel so weak
I wonder if I could love you
Or ‘f just need to dream

I showed up with an other
But when I saw your face
My body started burning
The other seemed so lame


Kay save me from myself
Kay I fell under your spell
Kay ride the snake with me
Kay come on and set me free

Rap Verse

Quesque tu veux qu jte dise, l’amour ça te tombe dessus
Parfois ça peut être beau, des fois t’es grave déçu
La chute est terrible, on s fracasse bien c’est sûr.
Mais Il paraît que le temps guérit une telle Blessure.

Du coup j’ai pas peur, tu pourras ouvrir ma porte
Jme réjouis d recevoir tout l bonheur qu tu m apporte.
Tu seras reçue comme mes potes, allez viens on papote,
Pas d prise de tête, Tant qu t’es là peu importe

Jsuis une cage vide, t’es un oiseau dans l ciel
T’es loin j’entends à peine, que c’est ta voix qui m’appelle
J veux qu ça passe vite, que ton âme me surprenne
Qu’un sursaut de ton cœur, marque la fin de ma peine

J voyais déjà la scène, mais voilà qu’ j’ai loupé le train
J’ai eu le droit à une étreinte puis mettre mon cœur dans un écrin
Les romances je dois les craindre, car souvent j’ai mal au crâne
J’ai des crampes, derrière l’écran, ça pourrait r’sembler a un drame.


Kay save me from myself
Kay I fell under your spell
Kay ride the snake with me
Kay come on and set me free

Rap Chorus

J veux pas d mariage, pas d gosse, ni même une famille nombreuse
Pourtant quand j vois tout ce love, presque j’en deviens envieuse
J’essaye d’être dans les normes qu la société m’impose
J dois être à fond dans cette quête, pas mettre ma vie en pause

Comment trouver l bon partenaire, Ils font des tests partout
Fallait un son pour que j le dise car dans ma tête, ça boue
Je le recherche autant qu’j’ le fuis, puis j le rejette, j’avoue,
Bref, il adore me jouer des tours donc Je déteste l’amour !

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  • Single cover
  • Song (wav – 03:08)
  • Music Video (mp4 – 03:21)
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